Happy Homemaker, Ph.D.

A novice homemaker's attempts to use her engineering Ph.D. to serve her family

Five Little Ducks

Earlier this week, I decided I needed to be more intentional about taking our toddler out more.  I guess that’s been on my mind for some time, but it’s hard to sometimes find the motivation to make it happen, especially when there is so much that I need or want to do at home.  I decided we needed to start adding some fun out-of-the house activities to our schedule.  I’m trying to add these cautiously since my tendency is more to jump in to every activity I think I can manage (which usually ends up being much more than I can manage well).  I’m also doing so with the understanding that things will likely change again in the next month or two when Baby arrives.

Being the bookworm that I am, I favor the library, so one of the library’s programs for toddlers was our first outing this week.  My little girl was shy around the new people and other toddlers, but she seemed to enjoy the songs, books, and activities.  The program this week centered around ducks.  She likes ducks.  🙂  She also likes books.  🙂  🙂  🙂

One book that was read talked about five adventurous little ducks going for a walk, and when the mother duck called, only four came back.  The next day, only three returned, and so on until Mother Duck had no babies coming back.  I think I was holding my breath in suspense, for on some of the illustrated pages, the little ducks were walking right past a large fox, and I wasn’t sure what kind of ending the book would have.  My need for a happy ending reasoned that the babies must have grown up, denying that they may have been eaten by predators.  “What kind of children’s book is this?” I wondered to myself.  Then, on the last page, all five little ducks came back to their mother.  (I sighed with relief!)

We went to see Daddy for lunch, got to watch him work for a few minutes (quite impressive, actually!), and then, with the weather being so unseasonably and wonderfully warm, we went to the park to play until it was getting close to nap time.  I think she had a grand time, and I had fun, too!

I also enjoyed getting to see the moms and dads at the library and the park.  I overheard one dad telling a friend about leaving his job in sales.  Two mothers looked like they could be the wives of international students.  There are also many military families in our area.

I wonder what God may have in store in the way of Divine appointments in the days ahead, from “random” conversations to developing new friendships.  May I be still enough to discern the Spirit’s prompting and be a light for Christ in my new workplace!


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